The Viibrant Blog
The latest updates, ideas and success stories from the Viibrant team
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The Case for Digital Signage this Holiday...
The first socially distant holiday season is right around the corner, and that means it’s time for...
Social Wellness During COVID-19
Here at Viibrant, we’re a big proponent of the six pillars of wellness. One of those pillars is...
Socially Distant Dining with Viibrant
When we created Viibrant, we knew that dining services play an integral part in senior living...
Viibrant Wellness + COVID-19
Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, health and wellness have never been more at the forefront of...
5 Reasons You Still Need a Resident...
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many senior living communities are scaling back events. With limited...
Safety in the In-Between
After following strict COVID-19 restrictions for a few months, many communities are antsy for a...
Keeping Your Community Informed
During this time, your residents are probably feeling scared and a bit overwhelmed. The Covid-19...
Socially Distant Ways to Spark Community
One of the hardest things about the Covid-19 outbreak is how isolated everyone has had to be. For...
You are our Hero!
We are thinking about you during this time. We just wanted to pause and take a moment...