How Technology Impacts Residents with Dementia & Alzheimer’s Disease

Technology is shaping our lives today in ways we recognize and ways we cannot. One of the main concerns with ever-growing technology is how it affects human memory and the way we treat those with memory loss.
Alzheimer’s Disease is a progressive disease that causes older adults to lose certain functions of the brain over time. These changes to the brain affect their memory and other cognitive abilities as small as how to brush their teeth or even how to walk or eat. It’s no question that technology can have an impact on the way brains with dementia also operate.
According to PCMag, we are learning to use our brains differently than we ever have before due to the endless amount of information that is available to us via the internet and technology. Technology has made our daily lives easier for us: giving someone a quick call without knowing their phone number, looking up directions on how to get somewhere without looking at a map, or setting reminders for appointments and to-do lists so we don’t have to think about them until the time comes. With technology affecting these aspects of our daily lives and beyond, what does that mean for seniors who are living with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia?
One way that technology helps these dementia patients is through maintaining or regaining their independence. Losing independence and self-esteem are concerns of these patients, but certain technologies are being invented to help combat losing these qualities. One example would be smart shoes, as described in The Medical Futurist. These shoes allow a person with dementia to walk and travel within a safe space. If they go beyond a set geographic area, a caregiver is alerted. It gives the patient a sense of independence and the caregiver a sense of security, knowing that their loved one can have more freedom without sacrificing their safety.
Smart home technology helps dementia and Alzheimer’s patients live their lives more fully without losing their independence. Using Amazon’s Alexa to set reminders for when to take medication, when to eat, or when to leave for an appointment are all helpful when these functions could be easily forgotten by these patients. It’s one less thing that caregivers have to worry about when this technology can be provided.
When it comes to smart technology and voice recognition, Viibrant offers a way that your community can help these patients. Using Amazon Echo’s voice-activated technology, Alexa can provide your residents with a simple way to find answers to questions like, “What events are happening today?” or state commands like, “Create a dinner reservation for two this evening”. This technology is so important in helping to keep these patients’ lives as normal as possible to slow down the worsening of dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease.
Contact our team today to receive a free demonstration of how our technology can change your community for the better. We’re proud that our technology and resources are able to shape the lives of caretakers, healthcare workers, and staff to make a positive impact on the way we treat and care for your residents.